Resilience Quiz

Please read the following 20 statements and score them on a scale of 1-5 on how they apply to you (where 1 = you completely disagree and 5 = you agree completely).

We do not record the answers in any way so please be as honest as possible, but try not to over-think the responses.

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When it comes to building a resilient marriage, there is definitely some room for growth. Have you experienced some tough times together that makes it hard to pull together as a team? Do you sometimes feel lonely, misunderstood or disconnected? Do you ever wish that your relationship felt like it had stronger or deeper foundations? What would it feel like to be more on the same page as your husband or wife?

The good news is that it really is possible to strengthen and improve the resilience in your relationship. We’ve observed this not only in our own relationships but also with the clients that come to us for help. The first step is to acknowledge the issues and to be honest about what isn’t working so you can pinpoint the areas that you want to improve.

Then we highly recommend that you seek help and support to make the changes that you want to make. The earlier you seek help the easier it is to make those changes but even if the issues have been going on a while, it isn’t too late if both of you are willing to put in the time and effort to improving the situation.

In our Monday email, we’ll be outlining some ways you can start to invest and improve your marriage. Perhaps you would benefit from the help of a marriage therapist or coach to help you. We offer couple to couple coaching but if you already have someone you know and trust, you may prefer to go to them. Either way, the most important thing is that you find someone that you are both comfortable with and who can help you build the marriage that you both want, before it's too late.

Your marriage has plenty going for it but when the rubber hits the road, maybe it isn’t as strong or resilient as it could be? Perhaps in the day to day business of everyday life you might have overlooked some areas that could do with strengthening or receiving a little bit more attention?

Is your relationship everything that you hoped it would be or are there certain aspects that you would love to improve? Have the stresses and challenges of the last year left you feeling a little flattened? Wouldn't it be great if the two of you could be more intentional about working as a team or strengthening your connection?

Whatever your situation or experiences, the good news is that it really is possible to strengthen and improve the resilience in your relationship. The first step is to acknowledge the areas of your marriage that aren’t working as well as you’d like. This allows you to take the next step, which is to be really specific about what you’d like to improve. And the final step is to be intentional at seeking support and help for the changes that you want to make.

In our Monday email, we’ll be outlining how you can be intentional about strengthening the foundations of your relationship so that you can face any challenges that come your way. We hope it will also be an opportunity to think about some of the good habits, rhythms and routines that you want to build into your life together.

Investing in your relationship will help create a resilient marriage that is always growing, always improving, always persevering. Sadly, all too often our clients come to see us when issues have become so difficult or challenging in their relationship that the very future of their marriage is at risk. Which is why we want to encourage all couples to seek help and improve their relationship before it's too late.

You have a strong relationship and there is so much that is good about your marriage. You have learnt to work as a team and to face challenges together. You are aware of what you need for your marriage to flourish and work well. You realise that resilience isn’t about getting everything right but is rather about learning from your failures and overcoming your challenges.

However, no marriage is perfect (even if we think it is) and you may be aware of some areas that you would like to improve still or even just do things a little differently. Perhaps you’d like to be more intentional about your joint vision, values or impact? Maybe you want to invest in an even greater connection with each other and with God? Or perhaps you are keen to grow together and discover new things?

In our Monday email we’ll be outlining how you might continue to grow and invest in your marriage. We hope it will also be an opportunity to think about some of the good habits, rhythms and routines that you want to continue building into your life together.

We believe that those with strong and resilient marriages have so much to offer others. Are there other couples that you are mentoring and supporting? If not, why not? Do others look to you as a role model for what a good marriage might look like? If so, we highly recommend that you continue to invest and receive input in your own relationship as you seek to impact others.